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Spring is here and change is in the air! Spring is a time for transformation. And Spring cleaning! I started cleaning out my closet last weekend, and I know it will be worth it when it’s over – but making those “stay or go” decisions is hard work! There are “things” I will never use but that have memories attached, and even though I have no use for the “thing” anymore, I’m not sure I’m ready to let it go. Of course, the longer I hold on to it, the harder it will be to ultimately let it go.

Intimacy Challenges in Marriage

A recent survey highlights a startling reality: 7% of married adults have not engaged in sexual activity in the past year, and 4% have been inactive for the past five years. These figures were discussed on WBAP radio in DFW with Jennifer Hargrave, shedding light on the complexities of marital intimacy and its impacts on relationships.

How To Divorce A High Conflict Person Without High Conflict

It is very difficult to be married to somebody who has a high conflict personality. As a divorce attorney, Abby Ewing knows how destructive high conflict personalities can be on family relationships. She is experienced in dealing with high conflict personalities in divorce.